
<== Site of the Week for 2009-11-07 ==>

Plateau Restoration

Plateau Restoration works to restore and preserve the unique landscape and natural offering of Utah's Southern deserts.

To get money (and free labor) for this important work, the organization offers a variety of classes, volunteer events and guided tours by trained geologists.

For those of us who love nature, a vacation wouldn't be a vacation if it didn't involve a shovel.

On the local side of the equation, Plateau Restoration is a licensed landscaping contractor that specializes in desert restoration and drought tolerant landscape design. In other words, this is a good place to find landscaping talent skilled in preserving the unique natural characteristics of the Moab area.

For the do it yourself gardener, the landscaping branch of the firm is a good source for native plants and seeds.

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Site NamePlateau Restoration
Review History2009-11-07
Category Moab: Nature
Page Views4726
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