
<== Site Review (2007-10-26) ==>

Utah State Liquor Store

It seems odd that, in what is supposed to be the most Republican state in the country, the liquor stores are state owned.

While local politicians clamor to privatize the agriculturally marginal lands of the Utah desert, they have little problem keeping the lucrative alcohol industry under the watchful fist of the goverment.

Welcome, to Utah ... a land of contrasts.

Utah politics is an odd mix of social conservativism that pitches free market rhetoric when it is convenient. Utah politicians will preach the need to privatise public lands to keep wandering nature lovers out, but then stifle lucrative industries like the wine industry that do not fit in with the visions of the state's dominant culture.

It's a funny world we live in.

Utah liquor stores are state run. Stores can sell 3.2 beer. For everything thing else, you have to go to a liquor store. The Moab State Liquor Store is located at 55 West 200 South. The web site for The Utah Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control has information on state liquor stores, state liquor laws and the regulations on receiving a liquor permit.

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Site NameState Liquor Store
Review History2007-10-26
Category Moab: Shopping
Page Views6087
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